AZ Sint-Blasius
Dendermonde, Belgium

- 210 New breast cancer cases treated per year
- 13 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Clinical Director: Decloedt Jan, MD
Our Breast Clinic was founded 15 years ago. We felt the need for a multidisciplinary approach for both benign breast disease and breast cancer. This approach started as a flexible system of multidisciplinary (out)patient evaluation by breast surgeons and radiotherapists/medical oncologists and has nowadays the format of a large multidisciplinary group of young and enthusiastic (para)medical team members, with special education and training. Certainly, this concept has been a pioneering model in peripheral hospitals and has been evaluated by the government for Breast Clinics accredidation system in Belgium. “A multidisciplinary approach in the most human way” was our first motto and our most recent mission is ‘A multisiciplinary approach focused on the patient and based on quality, speed and empathy’. We strongly invest in continuous teaching and have dedicated breast surgeons with subspecialisation in oncoplastic surgery. Improving quality and patient satisfaction are major challenges in our team. Therefore we have developed (transmural) clinical pathways in order to standardize our care and we have implemented quality indicators in our process.
AZ Sint-Blasius
Kroonveldlaan 50
9200 Dendermonde,
Phone: +3252252011
Fax: +3252252499
E-mail: jan.decloedt@azsintblasius.be
Web-site: www.azsintblasius.be
Last modified: 28 July 2016