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Breast Center at Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Klinikum St. Georg

Leipzig, Germany

Breast Center at Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Klinikum St. Georg

Delitzscher Strasse 141
04129 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +493419093501
Fax: +493419093523

From airport:
From Schkeuditz-Airport: A14 (route Dresden) till interface Leipzig-Mitte (17b), B2 towards Leipzig, turn-off towards Wiederitzsch, in Wiederitzsch at the crossroads with traffic lights left, after about 1 km right to the clinical centre.

By train:
Leipzig main station: from main station courtyard tram 16 towards “Messegelände”, get off at “Klinikum St. Georg”.

By bus or sub-way/underground:
Long distance buses arrive at Leipzig main station. From main station courtyard tram 16 towards “Messegelände”, get off at “Klinikum St. Georg”.

By car:
From highway A14 till interface Leipzig-Mitte (17b), B2 towards Leipzig, turn-off towards Wiederitzsch, in Wiederitzsch at the crossroads with traffic lights left, after about 1 km right to the clinical centre.
From South: B2 through the entire city region till turn-off towards Wiederitzsch, in Wiederitzsch at the crossroads with traffic lights left, after about 1 km right to the clinical centre.

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