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Instituto Alexander Fleming

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Instituto Alexander Fleming
  • 400 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 23 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Federico ColóMD

Instituto Alexander Fleming (IAF) is the first private institution in Latin America devoted to preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer patients. Since its opening in 1994, it has been dedicated to the comprehensive treatment of cancer in all its forms of presentation. Our Institution is characterized by medical excellence deployed in an optimal frame with high technology in the service of our patients and society as a whole, based on sound work in research and teaching. We have a Medical Residency scheme and a Breast Surgery Fellowship program. For all the above mentioned and the growing number of cases that come to our Institute (30% of them are Breast Cancer consultations), we decided to create the 'Centro Mamario Alexander Fleming' ('Breast Center Alexander Fleming'). The aim of the Center is the diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary approach to breast disease. Given the features that support us, we can offer solutions to solve our patients' problems in a short time and all in the same place.


Unidad de Mastología

Expiration date:  19 March 2022
Unidad de Mastología

Sociedad Argentina de Mastología

Certification document (original lang.)
Certification document (eng lang.)


Instituto Alexander Fleming

Cramer 1180
C1426ANZ Buenos Aires, 
Phone: +54 9 11 32218900
Fax: +54 9 11 32218900

Last modified: 13 July 2021