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AZ Groeninge

Kortrijk, Belgium

AZ Groeninge
  • 276 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 15 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Gracienne StaelensMD

The breast unit of AZ Groeninge is made up of a specialized team of doctors and paramedics who closely cooperate: gynaecologists, oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, nuclear doctors, genetic counsellors, plastic surgeons, pathologists, nurses and clinical psychologists. Tree specialized breast nurses offer the patients personalised support during the complete treatment. The breast unit members gather weekly to discuss the patient files and decide in mutual consultation on the best individual treatment, based on the most recent international guidelines and using the most modern techniques. The patient’s GP is invited to these meetings to ensure the follow-up outside the hospital. A common patient file ensures the coordination of the provided care. The breast nurses offer personalised psychosocial support. They can accompany the patient and her family from the first diagnosis until the fases after treatment, including support before and after surgery. They provide information on the treatment course and many administrative and practical issues such as prosthesis, wigs, etc.


BCCERT - Breast Centres Certification

Expiration date: 11 March 2024
BCCERT - Breast Centres Certification

Certification document (original lang.)
Certification document (eng lang.)


AZ Groeninge

President Kennedylaan 4
8500 Kortrijk, 
Phone: +3256633240
Fax: +3256633249

Last modified: 24 May 2022