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AZ Maria Middelares

Gent, Belgium

AZ Maria Middelares
  • 303 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 22 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Ximena Elzo KraemerMD

The breast center of Maria Middelares Gent has been recognized as a breast clinic since 2007. Since our clinic treated a sufficient number of patients and therefore has a large experience, we proceeded in 2014 to the recognition of “coordinating breast clinic” working formally together with the satellite breast clinic of Sint Vincentius Deinze. Since july 2020 both breast clinics unified their datamanagement and cancer registration in one central unit. A 'coordinating breast clinic' has a range of patient care focused on the diagnosis, the multidisciplinary consultation, multidisciplinary treatment, rehabilitation and follow-up of patients with malignant diseases of the breast. Our coordinating breast clinic focuses on multidisciplinary consultation and the necessary experience of the doctors involved. The breast clinic provides a rehabilitation program that incorporates both the physical, psychological and social aspect. Nursing expertise and guidance with psychologists are other requirements for a coordinating chest clinic.

AZ Maria Middelares

Buitenring Sint-Denis 30
9000 Gent, 
Phone: +3292469520

Last modified: 24 May 2022