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Asst Bergamo Est

Seriate, Italy

Asst Bergamo Est
  • 207 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 14 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Domenico GerbasiMD

The 'BERGAMO-EST BREAST UNIT' of Seriate (BG) ITALY is a functional breast unit involved in breast cancer management. The members follow every woman who receives breast cancer surgery within the Unit and offer them an optimal treatment, complying to the International Breast Cancer Guidelines. Our Breast Unit deals with surgical treatment of benign and malignant breast diseases. The activity includes surgical oncology demolition (radical or conservative), interventions for benign and/or inflammatory disease and male breast forte cancer. We performe post-mastectomy breast reconstructive surgery, and contralateral symetrization. The diagnostic and therapeutic approach is performed in a single defined path by the Multidisciplinary Group. Therapeutic choices and settings of care plans are discussed and shared in multidisciplinary meetings. Scientific Director of Breast Unit: Prof Giuseppe Nastasi Clinical Director of Breast Unit: MD Domenico Gerbasi

Asst Bergamo Est

Via Paderno 21
24068 Seriate, 
Phone: +390353063900
Fax: +390353063518

Last modified: 09 April 2018