Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Di Pisa - Ospedale S. Chiara
Pisa, Italy

- 650 New breast cancer cases treated per year
- 20 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Clinical Director: Manuela Roncella, MD
In our Breast Unit, women with breast disease, even in young age, can refer to a diagnostic-therapeutic and rehabilitative multidisciplinary team to receive the best care and the maximum chance of recovery. For outpatient-visits (with known or suspected breast disease), the high priority access is guaranteed by CORD-Tuscan Cancer Institute service that includes a front office and a telephone service (available at +39050993576 with the same time schedule)or email: cordsenologia@ao-pisa.toscana.it. CORD is responsible for the organisation of the of diagnostic and therapeutic steps, in collaboration with all the units involved: in particular surgery and radiology. The core of the breast unit is represented by the surgical unit, that performs about 1100 procedures/year for 650 new breast cancer. The surgical activity is distributed from Monday to Friday on two operating rooms in which breast surgeons and plastic surgeons alternate and work in team. In the center, patients can find the most innovative protocols about interventional diagnosis, MRI, intraoperative radiation therapy, reconstructive oncoplastic methods and oncology trials.
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Di Pisa - Ospedale S. Chiara
Via Roma 67
56123 Pisa,
Phone: +39050993553
Fax: +39050993146
E-mail: senologia@ao-pisa.toscana.it
Web-site: www.pisabreast.it
Last modified: 02 May 2016