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San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital

Rome, Italy

San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital
  • 572 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 24 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Lucio FortunatoMD

At San Giovanni-Addolorata Hospital, we offer a dedicated, comprehensive facility, with specialized personnel devoted to managing breast cancer patients. The Breast Center is accredited at a Regional level, and received the European Certification ItalCert in May 2017, with full renewal in 2020. We aim to provide an up-to-date multidisciplinary service, with constant attention to human touch. Our patients are accompanied through all steps of breast cancer management, including diagnosis, surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, rehabilitation, psycho-oncology and genetic counselling. Through non-profit organizations, we promote breast cancer patients' meetings, including non-conventional topics as diet, acupuncture, homoeopathy, and a laboratory of makeup for those patients undergoing chemotherapy. Every patient is encouraged to participate in a 'Pre-Abilitation' program, a pre-operative course where all the treatment steps are discussed and detailed (this is temporarily closed according to Covid-19 restrictions). Clinical research is available, and the Unit has organized several scientific meetings in the last few years.


BCCERT - Breast Centres Certification

Expiration date: 01 April 2022
BCCERT - Breast Centres Certification

Certification document (original lang.)
Certification document (eng lang.)


Regione Lazio - Accreditamento Regionale

Expiration date:  01 November 2022

Regione Lazio

This Centre has notified to be certified and, as such, been requested to upload the certification document for further information. When the certification document/s is/are provided, it is/they are made available hereafter.


San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital

Via Amba Aradam 8
00184 Rome, 
Phone: +390677056762
Fax: +390677055112

Last modified: 01 February 2022