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Agatha Breast Unit, Mater Dei Hospital

Tal Qroqq, Msida, Malta

Agatha Breast Unit, Mater Dei Hospital
  • 350 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 15 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Gordon Caruana DingliFRCS, MD

The Agatha Breast Unit was established by Mr Charles Swain at St Luke's Hospital in 2000 and migrated to Mater Dei Hospital. The current head is Mr Gordon Caruana Dingli. Patients are referred by General Practitioners and from the Screening Programme for specialist care of breast disease. The unit offers multidisciplinary care by breast surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, radiographers, physiotherapists and breast care nurses. All patients are discussed at a weekly multidisciplinary meeting. The team aims to offer the best possible medical care and the best possible cosmetic outcome with oncoplastic surgery and plastic surgery and psychological support to the patient and her/his family. The Breast Unit carries out research and audit and supports continuing medical education.

Agatha Breast Unit, Mater Dei Hospital

Triq Dun Karm
Phone: +35625454573

Last modified: 05 March 2021