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Alexander Monro Breast Cancer Hospital

Bilthoven, Utrecht, Netherlands

Alexander Monro Breast Cancer Hospital
  • 320 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 19 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Marjolein de Jong

The Alexander Monro Breast Cancer Clinic is the first specialized breast cancer clinic in the Netherlands. All care is concentrated in one organization, including diagnosis, operations (including reconstructions), chemotherapy, after-treatment and psychosocial support, physiotherapy and genetic counseling. This holistic approach is targeting patients' personal needs next to a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach. Twice a day the patient conditions are discussed by medical experts in the fields of radiology, (plastic) surgery, oncology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine and pathology (and on demand anesthesiology, genetic counseling and physiotherapy). Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art personal breast cancer care with a focus on the patient and to set a new and remarkable higher level of quality in (breast) healthcare. • Instant access to care • Top level individualized service • Multidisciplinary • 24/7 availability The hospital is proud to state that quality results on the medical performance are among the highest of Dutch hospitals. The patient score of 9.8 in overall satisfaction indicates the hospital provides high quality and excellent treatment.


ZKN accreditation

Expiration date:  15 February 2022
ZKN accreditation

Kiwa Nederland

This Centre has notified to be certified and, as such, been requested to upload the certification document for further information. When the certification document/s is/are provided, it is/they are made available hereafter.


Alexander Monro Breast Cancer Hospital

Professor Bronkhorstlaan 10, Building 94
3723 MB Bilthoven, Utrecht, 
Phone: +31-30 2250910
Fax: +31-30 7210109

Last modified: 18 January 2021