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hospital de Braga

braga, Portugal

hospital de Braga
  • 222 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 13 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: arlindo ferreiraMD

We have 2 consultation room ( breast surgeon and group decision) and one more to ultrasonography and nurse appointments. We have no permanent beds; our patients, when needed, are interned in Gynecology/Senology nursery or Oncology in advanced breast cancer in need. Oncology, radiotherapy and pathology and nuclear medicine are done in the original services. All weeks we have a meeting with pathologist, breast surgeons(all gynaecologists) and radiologist to case review. All weeks, Wednesday, we have a group decision appointment where all new cases are discussed, and a clinical/surgical decision is taken and communicated and approved by the de patient. There is always a written form. We have weekly 12h surgery and additional 12h/month for benign pathology. We have developed a breast data system with Minho University but problems with data protection and the decision of Portuguese Senology Society we are waiting for administrative approval to internalize a data system already in use in some Portuguese breast units. However, all the data is collected by the data manager for the National Oncology registry.

hospital de Braga

rua das comunidades lusíadas 133
4710-243 braga, 
Phone: +351253027000

Last modified: 21 March 2022