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Khartoum Teaching Hospital

Khartoum, Sudan

Khartoum Teaching Hospital
  • 200 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 9 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Ayda MustafaMD

Khartoum Teaching Hospital Breast Clinic was founded in 2005. At that time, Mrs Ayda H. Mustafa came back from Greece where she got her subspecialty in breast surgery, and started to see breast patients at a separate clinic and to collect data in special forms. A radiologist, Dr Wishah Alamin, joined the breast clinic in 2008 together with a pathologist, Dr Ammar Hassan Hussain. A great role has been played by Hind Mohammed Nor, a computer technician, who designed a software for the data collection. Dr Nahala Gafer, palliative care oncologist,and Dr Ahmed Hag Kheiri, plastic surgeon, joined the breast clinic in 2010. Till that time the team used to meet at Khartoum Teaching Hospital but then moved to Burg Alamel at the Radio-isotope Centre where Dr. Ahmed Omer Khalid, Dr. Alradia, medical oncologists, and Dr Sediag, radiologist and nuclear physician, joined. Since 2005 the team has examined 3000 patients and only 700 came to be malignant. We perform all modalities of breast surgery and rehabilitation is available for patients complicated by lymph-ede. Nadia Eldawin and Nazik Elmalaik Social workers help solving social problems as they try to convince patients who refuse treatment.

Khartoum Teaching Hospital

335 Khartoum, 
Phone: +249155887602
Fax: +249183794422

Last modified: 16 September 2016