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Clinique de Genolier

Genolier, Switzerland

Clinique de Genolier
  • 157 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 12 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Pierre-Alain BrioschiMD

The Breast Unit of Genolier Group Medical is a department of the Clinique of Genolier. Since 2005 it has been fully dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of breast diseases.
The objectives of the Unit are to provide high quality care and develop an integrated management in order to improve the treatment outcome in patients with breast diseases.
The Breast Unit of Genolier (BUG) is equipped with up-to-date diagnostic tools and therapeutic apparatus.
A multidisciplinary team ensures to maintain the diagnostic gold standards and offer most appropiate treatments to the patients.
Three of the five private hospitals of the Genolier medical group are involved in this Breast Unit and we will certainly have over 200 breast cancer cases in the next 2 years.


Centre du Sein GSMN

Expiration date:  17 January 2018

Ligue Suisse pour le Cancer

This Centre has notified to be certified and, as such, been requested to upload the certification document for further information. When the certification document/s is/are provided, it is/they are made available hereafter.


Clinique de Genolier

Le Muids
1272 Genolier, 
Phone: +41223669407
Fax: +41223669011

Last modified: 02 May 2016