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Home > Breast Units > Directory > Egypt > Alfa Cure Oncology Center
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Alfa Cure Oncology Center

Cairo, Egypt

Alfa Cure Oncology Center
  • 600 New breast cancer cases treated per year
  • 19 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, medical oncologists, radiotherapists and nurses

Clinical Director: Hesham ElghazalyMD

Alfa Cure Center is one of the well-known, highly specialized oncology centers in Egypt. It is the only multibranched ESMO Accredited Oncology Center in the Middle East. Alfa Cure Center is the only multi-branched oncology center in Egypt to ensure easy access to get our healthcare. We have a Protocol of Joint Cooperation with International Oncology Centers. This protocol provides us with periodically organized International Expert Consultation to get the most updated protocols of treatment. Alfa Cure Center provides treatments of all types of cancer through Mutidisciplinary Team to make the best decision of treatment. We are well-equipped with laboratory and radiological facilities and we have a team of psychological, nutritional, and palliative care experts to supervise our patients during the whole course of treatment. Alfa Cure Center provides all lines of cancer treatment including chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and treatment with radioactive materials. Alfa Cure Center offers highly specialized clinics for cancer prevention, screening, & early diagnosis, and for genetic consultation.



Expiration date:  19 September 2021


This Centre has notified to be certified and, as such, been requested to upload the certification document for further information. When the certification document/s is/are provided, it is/they are made available hereafter.


Alfa Cure Oncology Center

5 Gamet Eldewal st. Mohandeseen - 116 Elnozha st.Triumph, Heliopolis
11244 Cairo, 
Phone: +20224192110

Last modified: 29 December 2017