Shaare Zedek Medical Centre
Jerusalem, Israel

- 400 New breast cancer cases treated per year
- 13 Breast multidisciplinarity team members
Shaare Zedek Medical Centre provides comprehensive and holistic care encompassing all the needs of patients with breast cancer with units and departments that are leaders in excellence and state-of-the-art care in the fields of breast imaging and diagnostics, all apsects of breast surgery,fertility preservation, onco-genetics, high risk-screening clinics and a comprehensive breast oncology program. The breast cancer care includes dedicated breast nurses, who accompany patients at all stages of care, as well as psychosocial services . The breast oncology unit includes a young women's breast cancer program - the only service of its kind in Israel that caters for the unique needs of young women with breast cancer, that includes a personalized patient-navigator service. There are a broad range of research programs at the centre - ranging from genetic research in the field of hereditary breast cancer through to clinical trials evaluating new therapies for breast cancer patients and research in psychosocial care. The centre provides care & research from screening and diagnosis though to survivorship and supportive and pallaitive care for all stages of disease and recovery.
Shaare Zedek Medical Centre
12 Shmuel Beyt Street
9103102 Jerusalem,
Phone: +972 25645435
Fax: +972 25645201
E-mail: bcoffice@szmc.org.oil
Web-site: www.szmc.org.il
Last modified: 15 February 2018